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Guidelines for greenhouse gas emissions base year adjustments

A consistent data set is a prerequisite for making meaningful comparisons of emissions data over time and to track the progress. This means that if significant changes happen, the base year emissions inventory needs to be adjusted.

The base year GHG emissions inventory may be adjusted, if there have been significant changes that increase or decrease emissions intensity by more than 5 percent. This allows the comparability of the base year and recent years emissions, and to track the progress towards 2030 targets. Below are listed the different change cases, which may trigger the recalculation:  

Structural changes 

Structural changes include acquisitions, divestitures, and mergers.  

Methodology changes 

Includes significant changes in emission factors, improved data or updated calculation methods or protocols.  

Errors in data / other changes 

If a significant error is found in the emissions calculation, it will be fixed and the base year recalculation is triggered.   

Timeline and assurance 

The recalculated base year GHG emissions figures and intensities will be published in the following year Sustainability Report. The recalculated base year figures will be assured together with the Sustainability Report.