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Nokian Tyres as a sustainable investment

Sustainability is a crucial part of Nokian Tyres’ business and one of the company’s five strategic cornerstones. We are committed to promoting safe, smart and sustainable driving. 

Aerial view of a wintery road running through a forest
Sustainability targets

Nokian Tyres published ambitious sustainability targets in 2021. They guide our actions to further improve our sustainability performance and long-term competitiveness. 

All our sustainability targets can be found in our sustainability section.

Sustainability reporting

We work systematically to further improve our sustainability performance. Information about our progress and efforts is available in our financial reports as well as in the sustainability section on our website.

We prepare our sustainability reporting in accordance with the global GRI Standards. Learn more about our sustainability performance in 2023 in the latest Sustainability Report. 

Our Annual Report 2023 includes Statement of Non-Financial Information, which covers sustainability topics that are considered material to Nokian Tyres’ operations.

Sustainability indices

Nokian Tyres’ sustainability performance is assessed by various ESG rating agencies and we are included in several sustainability indices. They are an important recognition of our efforts in the area of sustainable business as they set high standards for our sustainability work and its constant development.

To see how our sustainability work has been recognized and in which ESG indices we are included in, please visit the sustainability section.

EU Taxonomy

The EU's new Taxonomy Regulation classifies economic activities, which can be potentially aligned with EU’s environmental targets. We have conducted evaluations to define Nokian Tyres' economic activities that are eligible for the scope of EU Taxonomy. Read more here.