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Environmental, safety and quality guideline

As a frontrunner in the industry, we are continuously improving the quality, safety and environmental friendliness of our products, services and processes. Our operations are customer-oriented and profitable. In our operations, we take into account the product's entire life cycle.

Updated 13.11.2024

Our promise

We develop and manufacture high-quality premium products and services that offer users safe, economical and comfortable driving kilometers. We offer our customers the best service in the tire industry in all fields.

As a front-runner in the industry, we continuously improve the quality, safety and environmental friendliness of our products, services, and processes. Our operations are customer-oriented and profitable. In our operations, we consider the product's entire life cycle.

How we fulfill our promise

We have uncompromising respect for environmental and safety matters, as well as ensuring high quality and a good customer experience. We commit to complying with laws and regulations, as well as the requirements of our customers. In our operations, we take into account ethical principles and sustainable development.

We commit to environmental responsibility, which includes but is not limited to consuming and managing water and other resources sustainably, preventing pollution, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste,
improving energy efficiency, and preferring renewable energy. We are committed to preserving biodiversity as well as air and soil quality and to causing no deforestation in our own operations, and to setting targets to reduce environmental impacts. We are committed to consult our stakeholders on environmental matters and report on them regularly.

We guarantee the high quality of our products and services with controlled, efficient and closely monitored development, procurement, manufacturing and service processes. When procuring raw materials and ordering work from external service providers, we only select partners who are assessed to be reliable and of good repute.

We are committed to creating healthy and safe work conditions for all individuals under the company's supervision. We identify the dangers in our working environment and minimize the risks. We strive towards efficiency, zero errors and zero accidents in all operating areas, to protect both our employees and the environment. Responsible chemical management is also part of this work, including the commitment to reduce or phase-out hazardous substances. We are committed to consultation and participation of all personnel groups to reach our goals and to ensure a good working experience.

Our management sets goals pertaining to finances, the environment, health, safety, and quality, monitors their implementation and reserves sufficient resources to meet and maintain these goals. 

We familiarize our employees with our basic operating principles and goals and their responsibility for the impacts of their activities on quality and the environment, and offer the needed training. Furthermore, employees are encouraged to promote quality, occupational and chemical safety, and environmental protection in their activities. Our stakeholder engagement covers both internal and external stakeholders and aims to raise awareness and increase understanding of the matters of this document and our impacts related to them.

We conduct regular internal audits, assessing the compliance with customer and legislative requirements, regulations, and instructions, as well as the efficiency of our operational system.

Our operations are based on these international criteria

Our operations are based on and fulfill the requirements of standards ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO14001, ISO45001 and ISO17025, as well as those of customers and authorities. We are committed to align our relevant operations according to the requirements of the ISCC Plus mass balance certification. In addition, we are committed to the UN Global Compact principles.

Jukka Moisio