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Responsible business

At the heart of our corporate culture are the key policies defined within the compliance framework, and they are annually reviewed by The Board of Directors and the management of Nokian Tyres.

Corporate culture and business conduct 

Our business is guided by the ethical principles presented in the Code of Conduct, which specifies the principles for Nokian Tyres’ business, including instructions for various matters related to ethics, antibribery and corruption prevention. Every employee needs to adhere to the Code, and a training that covers the topics presented in the Code is mandatory for all personnel. Nokian Tyres is registered with the European Transparency Register. 

Learn more

Nokian Tyres employee explaining something at a meeting
Responsible sourcing 

We check the backgrounds of all new suppliers according to Nokian Tyres’ Due Diligence process before supplier approval. Our supplier governance model includes risk assessment on several factors of all suppliers. Sustainability critical suppliers are committed to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which requires compliance with international human rights, and labor rights and anti-corruption measures. 

Sourcing natural rubber in a sustainable way is considered the most critical stage in a tire company’s supply chain. 

Learn how we work to ensure responsible sourcing

Creating value for stakeholders 

Nokian Tyres contributes to society and communities as a responsible employer and through the fair payment of salaries and taxes. Our tire factories are significant employers in their operating areas. When we include all of our subcontractors, our role as a job creator becomes even more significant. The salaries and taxes that we pay support the structures of society and improve the quality of life for thousands of people.

Read more about our financial responsibility

Nokian Tyres executive laughing with co-workers
Our memberships 

Nokian Tyres is a member of various industrial and employer organizations. Our participation depends on the current topics and our opportunities to offer our expertise. We are also a member of various communities and organizations that participate in the development of legislation and political decision-making.

Nokian Tyres is not involved in political activities, fundraising, or political contributions.

Learn more about our memberships

Reporting on misconduct – Nokian Tyres’ whistleblowing channel

Whistleblowing provides an opportunity to report suspicions of misconduct; anything that is not in line with applicable laws, Nokian Tyres’ core values, Code of Conduct, or other internal policies. You can raise your concern anonymously if you wish. All messages will be processed in confidence by a dedicated Whistleblowing team in Nokian Tyres.

Access Nokian Tyres’ whistleblowing channel