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Stock exchange release

Nokian Tyres Plc: Tax Administration’s decision in the appeal concerning the tax year 2011 positive for the company

Nokian Tyres plc Stock Exchange Release June 8, 2018, 10:30 a.m. 

The reassessment decision from the Tax Administration concerning the tax year 2011 is positive for Nokian Tyres. The Tax Administration has approved the appeal Nokian Tyres made in November 2017, and the Tax Administration has returned the paid EUR 59 million to the company. Tax Recipients Services Unit can appeal on the decision by August 3, 2018. Adjustments to the financial reporting of the now received decision will be done when the decision is final.

In October 2017, Nokian Tyres received a reassessment decision from the Tax Administration concerning the tax year 2011, according to which the company was obliged to pay a total of EUR 59 million, of which EUR 39 million were additional taxes and EUR 20 million were punitive tax increases and interest. The company recorded the amount in full to the financial statement and result of Q3/2017. Payment was due in November 2017. The company considered the reassessment decision of the Tax Administration unfounded and appealed in November 2017 to the Board of Adjustment.

Given that the circumstances of the tax year 2011 and the Tax Administration’s arguments as a basis for tax reassessments were essentially in line with the circumstances of the 2007-2010 tax years, for which the Hämeenlinna Administrative Court decided on 8 May 2018 (18/0166/1) for the benefit of the company, the Tax Administration considered that the company's appeal was acceptable.

Nokian Tyres plc

Päivi Antola
Vice President, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations

Further information: Anne Leskelä, CFO, tel: +358 10 401 7481

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