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Management transaction

Nokian Tyres plc: Managers' transactions

Nokian Tyres plc Managers’ transactions April 13, 2017, 1:30 p.m. 

The Annual General Meeting of Nokian Tyres plc held on April 10, 2017 decided that 50% of the Board’s annual fee be paid in cash and 50% in Company shares. Pursuant to such decision, shares have been acquired as follows to the Chairman of the Board Petteri Walldén:

Person subject to the notification requirement 

Name:Walldén, Petteri (Natural Person)
Position:Chairman of the Board 
Initial Notification 
Reference number:743700YQIO8Y4L4WKR40_20170412100904_23
Name:Nokian Tyres plc
Transaction details 
Transaction date: 2017-04-11
Nature of transaction: Receipt of a Share-Based Incentive 
Instrument: Share 
ISIN: FI0009005318
Volume: 1,061
Unit price: 0.00 Euro
Aggregated transactions 
Volume: 1,061
Volume weighted average price: 0.00 Euro 

Nokian Tyres plc

Antti-Jussi Tähtinen
Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Further information: Anne Leskelä, Vice President, CFO, tel. +358 10 401 7481 

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, media and