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Flagging notification

Nokian Tyres: Disclosure under chapter 9, section 10 of the securities market act

Nokian Tyres plc Stock Exchange Release 25 April 2016 at 10:30 a.m.

Nokian Tyres has received an announcement from BlackRock, Inc. on 22 April 2016, according to which the holdings of the mutual funds managed by BlackRock, Inc. exceeded level of 5% of the share capital in Nokian Tyres plc, as a result of a share transactions concluded on 21 April 2016. The mutual funds managed by BlackRock, Inc. held on deal date a total of 6,827,556 Nokian Tyres’ shares representing 5.06% of company’s 134,691,174 shares and voting rights.

Total positions of BlackRock, Inc. and its funds subject to the notification:

% of shares and voting rights (total of A)% of shares and voting rights through financial instruments (total of B)Total of both in % (A+B)Total number of shares and voting rights of issuer
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached4.77%0.29%5.06%134,691,174
Positions of previous notificationBelow 5%Below 5%Below 5%

Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reached:

A: Shares and voting rights:

Class/type of shares
ISIN code
Number of shares and voting rightsNumber of shares and voting rights% of shares and voting rights% of shares and voting rights
Direct (SMA 9:5)Indirect
(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)
Direct (SMA 9:5)Indirect
(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)
SUBTOTAL A6,431,5904.77%

B: Financial instruments according to SMA 9:6a:

Type of financial
Expiration dateExercise/
Conversion Period
Physical or
cash settlement
Number of shares
and voting rights
% of shares and
voting rights
Securities LentN/AN/APhysical395,9660.29%
SUBTOTAL B395,9660.29%

Nokian Tyres plc

Antti-Jussi Tähtinen
Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki Oy, media and